Filing Fees increased by $4.00 per case in July 2024.   S.B. 322, Sec. 4 (b)


Phone: (706)485-4306


  • Statement of Claim: $111.00
  • Dispossessory: $86.00
  • Writ of Possession/Foreclosure $111.00
  • Garnishment $111.00
  • Abandoned Vehicle $38.00 + $14.00 for Certified Copies
  • Abandoned Mobile Home $TBD
  • Fifa $29.00 (Must be split: $4.00 to Magistrate, $25.00 to Superior)
  • Warrant Application $20.00

Welcome to the Putnam County Georgia Magistrate Court

Chief Magistrate Judge Dorothy J. Adams and the staff of the Putnam County Magistrate Court are pleased to provide this virtual gateway to the court.  Our primary mission is to make your court as convenient and easy to use as possible, and we hope this website will be a useful tool in your quest for information.

Magistrate Court’s jurisdiction includes civil claims of $15,000.00 or less; County Code violations; applications for and issuance of arrest, probation, and search warrants; preliminary hearings; dispossessory writs; continuing garnishments; bank garnishments; distress warrants; bad check cases; and abandoned vehicles.  No jury trials are held in Magistrate Court.

Court personnel lawfully may not give legal advice, and we encourage litigants with legal questions to seek the services of an attorney at law.

The Georgia Council of Magistrate Court Judges has created a tool to help litigants understand Magistrate Court procedures, and you are encouraged to explore information found on this link:

Click here for the Uniform Rules of the Magistrate Court

© PUTNAM COUNTY MAGISTRATE COURT, all rights reserved. | Website by Madison Studios